Grief Counselling – help for coping with loss and bereavement
Have you suffered a significant loss in your life?
Are you feeling shocked and disoriented?
Have you lost a job or relationship unexpectedly?
Are you struggling to come to terms with your loss?
Wondering if you can ever ‘get over it’ and ‘move on’?
Do you need help learning how to live fully again?
Our team of experienced grief counsellors are here to journey with you in your grief. Give us a call at (02) 9683 1444 and let us help you choose the best counsellor for your situation.
For your convenience, we are open daytime and after hours, Monday to Saturday, including evenings.
Grief is a normal process
Almost everyone will experience grief in their lifetime. Grief is a normal, natural and inevitable reaction to loss. Grief, however, can affect every part of our life, including our thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, feelings, physical health and our relationships with others.
Grief is a process, not a one-off event. It is not an illness, although it may be a very difficult time to go through, and it can be stressful, and full of pain.
People experience grief with:
the loss of a job or a property
a relationship breakdown or divorce
the loss of mobility due to aging or accident
dealing with chronic or terminal illness such as cancer, dementia or mental health issues
caring and supporting someone with chronic or terminal illness such as cancer, dementia or mental health issues
Grief is different for everyone
Common reactions to grief
Mourning is the outward expression of grief. People can experience a large range of emotions as they work through grief.
Thoughts of confusion, disbelief, and wondering if this is just a dream. There may be some sense of “unreality”. Others experience being in a “fog” or feeling numb.
Feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness, bitterness, fear, edginess, nervousness, short-tempered, and lack of confidence
Some people will feel shocked and numb in the beginning. Strange and painful thoughts and feelings may follow this first period of numbness.
Some people will have physical reactions eg, problems sleeping, eating, or not able to concentrate on normal tasks. Some will feel tired all the time, and some will try and find someone to “blame” for the loss.
How long will grief last?
How long is a piece of string? There is no definite time limit on grief. Each person’s experience is individual to that person. Do not expect to “get over it”, rather work through each of the painful issues as they arise and face them. Acknowledge them as being painful. Some aspects of your loss will stay with you forever.
You may notice that the severe emotional outpouring lessens and that there is not such a “weight” holding you down. You may slowly begin to adapt to having your own life without the deceased or without that which you have “lost”. This does not mean that you have forgotten about the loss, but rather that you are moving one step ahead at a time, in your new environment.
How do I know if I need help with grief?
If it has been 3-6 months and you still cannot cope with your normal daily activities, such as work, shopping, getting your own meals, driving etc, then you may need to consult a General Practitioner, psychologist or grief counsellor.
Or again, it may be some time since your bereavement, and you have been doing OK, but suddenly you find you are not coping. Then it may be helpful to find a therapist who can help you move through this difficult patch.
Grief counselling may help you
Although grief can be very painful, most people gradually find ways to learn to live with their loss and do not need to seek professional help.
While not everyone will seek professional intervention to help process their experiences, many people do. People often find benefits in allowing a counsellor or psychologist to journey with them during this time.
Grief counsellors provide a holding space and a sense of control during the journey of grief. Some people speak of the benefit of having a space to cry or to debrief.
As life goes on, people can tend to stop asking how you are and stop supporting you. Counselling provides a sacred space where you can express your grief for the loss.
A psychologist or counsellor can help you in many ways:
Be a witness to your grief
Help you explore different elements in your grief
Help you hold on to the memories of your loved ones and celebrate their life
Provide strategies for coping with grief
Provide structure for decision-making such as funeral plans, back-to-work plans, etc.